Friday, May 28, 2021

                                                                                Barry Whistler in Tady's studio, 2024

INSTALLATION selections:

  Gallery & Museum highlights 2022-1999

The Dallas Museum of Art granted her the Kimbrough Award in 1993; and the Dozier Travel Grant in 2015 (for travel and exhibition at Islensk Grafik, Reykjavik, Iceland.) The 2010 Ruth and Harold Chenven Foundation Grant assisted her solo exhibition at The Painting Center Project Room, New York, NY. 

One of 33 artists included in the publication Texas Abstract: Modern + Contemporary (Fresco Books, 2015), she has also been selected for the New American Painting Juried publications (2020, 2017, 2003.) Her work was included in such 2019 - 2020 group shows as San Antonio Museum of Art's Texas Women: A New History of Abstract Art (catalog); MULTILAYER Vision 20/20 at Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst, Soest, Germany (catalog); The Adjacent Possible, Muscarelle Museum, VA; and Plugged-in Paintings, Site 131, Dallas.  Her work resides in private and public collections, namely American Airlines, JP Morgan Chase, Toyota, Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue.  


Lorraine Tady: Graphing the Invisible by Steven Baris

Lorraine Tady and the Saturation of Vectors on (Review by Tom Moody)

 On Screen / Off Screen: Contemporary Painting and Technology


Learning to Draw and Seriality, Barry Whistler Gallery

On Screen / Off Screen:  Contemporary Painting and Technology, 

Kate Petley, Lorraine Tady, Liz Trosper

Barry Whistler Gallery, Dallas (curated by Orth Contemporary

Yes, there will be singing. About the dark times, From Dark to Light, and Drawing Challenge XII, Jason McCoy Gallery, NYC

The Adjacent Possible at the Muscarelle Museum of Art, Williamsburg, VA

Texas Women: A New History of Abstract Art, San Antonio Museum of Art, TX (catalog)

Plugged-in Paintings, Site 131, Dallas, TX

MULTILAYER – Vision 2020, at Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst, Soest, Germany. 

My work is at 13:35


Hope Made Visible, Orth Contemporary, Tulsa, OK

Women on Top, Barry Whistler Gallery, Dallas

Sparklines: Paintings, Drawings, Prints, Barry Whistler Gallery, Dallas (solo)

Pandemic Faire (link portal)
