Friday, August 2, 2024


is an artist living and working in Dallas, TX. She has been represented by the Barry Whistler Gallery, Dallas, TX, since 1994, with various shows of her paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture. 

Her first solo exhibition with the gallery was in 1999 and most recent group exhibitions and publications include On Screen/Off Screen: Contemporary Painting and Technology, Barry Whistler Gallery; Texas Women: A New History of Abstract Art, San Antonio Museum of Art; The Adjacent Possible, Muscarelle Museum of Art, Williamsburg, VA; and MULTILAYER Vision 20/20, Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst, Germany. The Dallas Museum of Art awarded her a Kimborough Award (1993) and a Dozier Travel Grant (2015). 

Photo of Inter-Spatial Installation by Allison V. Smith

Latest SOLO SHOW "Inter-Spatial" May 18 - June 22, 2024

Barry Whistler Gallery, Dallas, TX

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